Welcome to our first newsletter!
Dear Resilient Community,
Though we are dismayed to be reaching out under such circumstances, we are also grateful for this opportunity to connect with each of you. One of our Resilience Project goals for this year had been to create a newsletter. The current COVID-19 crisis has facilitated this goal becoming a priority.
In this first newsletter, we are pleased to announce our upcoming first webinar, “Parenting and Fostering Resilience through COVID-19,” on the topic of supporting our children, families, and ourselves. We also offer a selection of articles and resources we have especially appreciated during these times. These, along with other resources, will be available on our Web site, to assist parents and educators, and anyone working with kids and teens.
Our main goal for future newsletters will continue to be connecting with all of you in order to support the emotional wellness of kids and teens in our community. We hope this is helpful to you in some way.
Parent Webinar with Q&A
In hopes of providing more direct parent support, our Parents Program will be hosting our first Zoom webinar, "Parenting and Fostering Resilience through COVID-19," for parents on the topic of supporting kids and teens during these times. Please join Parents Program co-directors Tai Katzenstein, PhD and Juliana Chen, MD as we discuss things parents can do, and answer questions from attendees.
WHEN: Saturday April 10 from 9:30-10:30 am
WHERE: via Zoom
HOW: Register for free Zoom meeting link and password: https://partners.zoom.us/meeting/register/vJIuceuhpjko_RfVQ7vMGmM9dNhiTS9swA
For questions, please email: NWHResilienceProject@partners.org
COVID-19 Resources for Parents and Families
SUPPORTING KIDS/TEENS THROUGH COVID-19 Talking to Teens and Tweens About Coronavirus (NYT)
How to Talk to Your Children About the Coronavirus (COVID-19) (MGH/Harvard Chan School of Public Health)
Supporting Kids During the Coronavirus Crisis (Child Mind Institute)
7 Ways to Support Kids and Teens Through the Coronavirus Pandemic (MGH Clay Center)
Making Your Home a Safe Haven (Psychology Today)
7 Things Mindful Families Do Differently (Mindful)
Five Science-Backed Strategies to Build Resilience (Greater Good Berkeley)
PARENT RESOURCES & SELF CARE Self-Care in the Time of Coronavirus (Child Mind Institute)
Why Parents Need Self-Compassion During the Coronavirus Pandemic (Center for Parent & Teen Communication)
Three Ways to Boost Your Resilience as a Parent (Greater Good Berkeley)
COMMUNITY & GREATER GOOD How to Keep the Greater Good in Mind During the Coronavirus Outbreak(Greater Good Berkeley)
How You Can Make a Difference During Coronavirus (Great Big Story)
Follow us on Facebook
For helpful articles and links aimed to support families, schools, kids, and teens, as well the most up-to-date information about our workshops and events — both during this current crisis and beyond —please follow us on Facebook (@NWHResilienceProject): www.facebook.com/NWHResilienceProject/.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us and know that we are thinking of you, your students, and families during these challenging and uncertain times.
Tai Katzenstein, PhD & Juliana Chen, MD Co-Directors, The Resilience Project Parents Program