We hope that the information provided at the May 7th Meeting by Dr. Chisum with respect to graduation and other issues related to the end of the academic year for the Class of 2020 was helpful. For those who were not able to watch the event live, here is a link to it on Wellesley Media. If you have any additional questions and/or feedback as a follow up to this meeting, please click here and submit them to us. For those interested in helping with school-related graduation activities, please contact Karen Bognanni at bognannik@wellesleyps.org. For those interested in helping with non-school related activities to celebrate our Seniors, please click here to volunteer. In addition, if you would like to make a donation to help fund non-school related activities to celebrate the Class of 2020, you can write a check payable to: "Class of 2020" and mail it to Cami Segel, 32 Parker Road, Wellesley, MA 02482 or to donate via Paypal click HERE . These funds will be used for decorations for the parade, senior signs, and weekly surprises for our Seniors. Any unused funds will be given to the Class of 2020 for future class events, including reunions.
