AFS Intercultural Programs is now looking for Host Families for high school exchange students, arriving from around the world this summer, for the 2020/21 school year. These are outstanding young people who were selected in their home countries to study in US high schools and are eager to experience what it's like to live in America. Sharing daily life with a teenager from another country and culture is a rich and rewarding experience and is a wonderful way for you and your family to bring more understanding into the world.
Local AFS Volunteers will support you and your hosted student throughout your experience to help you both receive the most from your time together. All types of families are encouraged to apply; there is no “typical” AFS Host Family. To read through our FAQ’s about hosting visit
Host an AFS Exchange Student and help to build bridges of intercultural understanding. It's a gift you'll give and receive. Most families have no idea how much they'll gain until they say yes! Inquire now at, or call Renee Hayes at 646-381-3344 or email for more information.
Thank you,
Renee Hayes
Hosting Programs Specialist